Kyle McKenna - Guitar Vocals
Tom - Bass
Stephen - Drums
1999-2001 : Stephen and Kyle are in a band called the Indiots. !PARANOID! is a side band for the Indiots. Zach is singing in !PARANOID!, we had no bassist. Before too long, the Indiots broke up due to "sXe" reasons.
Now our full attention was on !PARANOID! (Kyle is playing guitar, and zach is singing, I (Stephen), am on drums. *no bassist*)
March 2001 : Zach quits the band
April 2001: Zach comes back as the bassist. Stephen and Kyle now have hope. Kyle is now singing and playing guitar.
June 2001 : Zach leaves the band again. The search for a new bassist begins...
July 2001 Tom joins the band.